Blog Prompt 7
Why does it make sense to design for a more adaptive web
environment rather than be concerned with device breakpoints?
Because an adaptive web environment is
key these days, Things are always changing and the best way to keep up with the
fast paced web is through adapting. Instead of designers focusing on designing
for specific device widths and getting hung up on the precise elements of a web
design, they now need to be focusing in designing for content.
What are some changes you, personally, can foresee in the
future of web design?
. In my opinion there are going to be a few different very
similar layouts in the future for web design. Things are going to look very
alike I think. There will be many new ways to look at the web and websites in
the coming years, And there will need to be new wen designs to cater to those
new styles of viewing the web. Right now we only really have mobile and
desktop. But we will soon be having other ways to view the web soon I am sure.
So yes I think simplicity will be the key in the future of the web.
Due: Before Class Week 8